3 Fruits Enemies Of Weight Loss

Banana 1

Just like vegetables, fruits are also regarded as the best option for losing weight. Fruits being rich in fiber and micronutrients help to maintain healthy body weight. Weight loss journey requires consistency and struggle. Just consuming a healthy diet one day and then expecting that weight will be managed is not a thing to consider.

Healthy eating requires proper calorie measurements and portion control. Nutritionists and dietitians recommend that in order to lose weight, try to add a leaner portion of proteins, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to the diet. If we talk about fruits, it holds the category of low glycemic and high glycemic index foods. Some fruits are excessively sweet and high in calories which can create a hindrance in losing weight.

So, here is a list of the top three fruit enemies of weight loss which should be consumed in less quantity if a person is on a weight loss journey.


Avocado is considered the best option for healthy fats and is consumed highly in a keto diet. But, it is estimated that 100 g of avocado gives about 160 calories. So, if this fruit is consumed without any portion control it might add a lot of calories to the body. During the weight loss journey, avoid using this fruit in larger quantities. It does not mean that you should eliminate this fruit completely. Just keep track of its portion control and enjoy this fruit in moderation.

Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are considered as best sources of healthy fats and people love too much them during snack time during winters. Dry fruits include all the varieties of nuts like almonds, pine nuts, raisins, prunes, dried peaches, dates, pistachios, cashews, and much more. But, most of the dry fruits are high in glycemic index and sodium content which can cause a sudden spike of glucose, increasing the hunger pang and chances of over-eating.

Dry fruits contain fiber content too but the sources like raisins and prunes are loaded with a lot of calories and sugars which is the enemy of weight loss. A cup of raisins gives around 500 calories while a cup of prune gives around 450 calories which is a high amount to disturb daily calorie intake. It does not mean that dry fruits should be restricted during weight loss. A person can consume dry fruits daily but with portion control and moderation. Portion control is the best way to maintain weight and avoids weight gain too.


Banana is considered a super-healthy fruit but when we talk about the calories and carbohydrate content, it is not a healthy choice. A single serving of banana gives about 150 calories which are equal to 37.5g of carbohydrates. So, if a person is in the habit of eating two or three bananas per day even on a weight loss journey then, it is a hindrance in losing weight effectively.

Bananas are although low in glycemic index and are the best sources of potassium too. But, being high in calories and natural sugar they are not the healthiest options for weight loss especially the keto weight loss journey in which carbohydrates are totally restricted. So, consuming a banana in moderation like one serving a day is enough rather than consuming it in bulk amount. 

These were some recommended fruits that might act as enemies of weight loss. But, never skip or eliminate fruits totally from a diet. Because fruits are the best source of fibers and micronutrients which are essential for a healthy body.