3 Habits Enemies Of Weight Loss

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The global pandemic of obesity is increasing nowadays and people are more conscious to adopt healthy lifestyles and habits to attain a normal body mass index. After all such struggles, some people still do not achieve their desired goals of weight maintenance and switch to fad diets.

But, the matter of concern is that the weight usually stuck when a person adopts bad habits which leads to an increase in weight.

So, here are some top three habits which act as enemies in losing weight. A person can create healthy habits instead of adopting restrictions.

Lack of water

Our body weight accounts for 60% of water and it is an essential element in maintaining the smooth flow of various metabolic functions. But, sometimes the hydration level of the body is disturbed due to lesser consumption of water and it creates a hindrance in losing and maintaining weight.

Water is the safest drink on planet earth and is crucial for well-being and life on earth. Without water, living species cannot survive. All the bodily mechanisms of energy production, enzyme functioning, and organ protection depend on water. The fluid layer naming pleura surrounds the lungs and in the same way, each carbohydrate molecule holds a water molecule to maintaining the water weight of the body.

Sometimes, the body tricks the person and it feels that a certain craving or hunger pang is demanding food but it is the sign of thirst. This is the right time to differentiate between actual hunger and craving. People who start consuming food at this stage are more prone to over-eating, which is worst enemy of weight loss. It is advisable to drink water whenever craving or hunger pang hits. If still, the hunger pang persists longer than it is the actual sign of hunger. If the hunger pang stops, then it was just a sign of thirst. In this way, weight is maintained in an excellent way to avoid over-eating.

Try to add foods having more water content in them which can provide a feeling of fullness to the body. The best foods for weight loss having higher water content include cucumbers, mint leaves, and fruits like watermelon and melons.

Eating out

The concept of convenience foods is increasing the desire to eat food from restaurants. People prefer to consume ready-to-eat and processed foods which are delicious and easy to prepare due to busy schedules. But have we ever thought about the overall nutrient intake and calorie consumption? Are all these convenient and ready-to-eat food fulfill our demands of healthy body weight?

No, in actual these foods are not so high in major nutrients required for our body. But, this doesn’t mean that we can’t eat outside. Eating outside can be made perfect by choosing healthier food options that do not hinder the process of weight loss. Try to consume a smaller portion of the meal and incorporate better food choices. Chew and swallow the food properly for better mastication and digestive process. Making sensible choices in food can help to manage and control weight.

Sluggish metabolism

Our metabolism plays a vital role in losing weight. Having poor and sluggish metabolism increases weight drastically and creates severe problems regarding hormonal imbalances too. Metabolism is disturbed due to poor dietary choices and lack of exercise. Moreover, having improper sleep patterns and increased stress also disturbs the metabolism of the body. A slower metabolism interferes with the hormones responsible for providing a feeling of fullness and increases the release of ghrelin hormone initiating hunger. It leads to over-eating and creates a hindrance in weight loss.

The best way to conquer a better metabolism is to sleep with proper timings and by initiating discipline in life. Try to manage the screen timing and limit the intake level of caffeine and sugary drinks disturbing sleep patterns and metabolism.

Healthy food choices, an active lifestyle, and balanced metabolism helps to lead a tension-free life. If these factors are not controlled then these are the worst enemies in losing weight.