6 Rules for a Good Figure - Without Diet

Diet Ruler 1

With these common "no-diet" commandments you will have a fit figure and you can forget about rigorous regimes. It's up to you to follow the rules of a healthy diet that will help you look and feel great - always!

There are a few simple rules devised by nutritionists, and following them will ensure you stress-free satisfaction and health consequences. If you perform them every day, the result in the form of a fit figure and good health is certain…

Snack = protein

Just as a bag of breadcrumbs will not satiate you in the long run, so will an apple or some vegetable - if you do not combine it with protein. The body will thus be supplied with plant fibers, while proteins provide a longer feeling of satiety. In addition, this snack will make it easier to regulate blood glucose levels, and thus deceive hunger and provide more lasting energy than when it comes to carbohydrates.

As for the type of protein, choose one of these: a spoonful of peanut butter, a small package of cheese, ten to 15 raw almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts, two to three leaves of smoked turkey or a hard-boiled egg.

Drink water as soon as you wake up

For many of us, making morning coffee right after waking up is a reflex action. But after eight hours of sleep (without food and drink) our body is dehydrated. Due to the loss of fluids, the metabolism slows down, and the body does not burn fat efficiently enough. In addition, many of us misinterpret thirst as hunger, which often causes us to eat when there is no real need for it.

So drink a glass of water immediately after waking up and always have a bottle of water on hand during the day. Recent studies show that if you consume up to three glasses of water a day more than usual, you can reduce your food intake by 205 (or more) calories. However, avoid quenching your thirst with carbonated, high-calorie sugar drinks. If you do not like the taste of water, prefer to drink herbal teas or lemonade (without sugar).

Breaks between meals less than five hours

This advice should be understood as the golden rule of meal dynamics during the day. Snacking at the right time prevents the feeling of hunger that is difficult to control, which undoubtedly leads to the wrong choice of food or overeating.

This dynamics of the meal also maintains the optimal function of the metabolism during the day. So, if you have lunch at noon and dinner at eight o'clock in the evening, then eat a healthy snack at four o'clock, according to the advice from the first rule.

One of three

When faced with a great challenge for one meal - dessert, drinks and carbohydrates (eg pasta) - choose one "sin" and skip the others. If you eat bread for a meal and then a cake, know that you have definitely taken in a lot more carbohydrates than you can burn, especially if you will not engage in physical activity after a meal. If you want sweet, then omit the bread with the meal or replace it with vegetables.

Serving food

This rule is logical for everyone when it comes to many types of dishes, but not when it comes to various side dishes, such as french fries. So count from ten to 12 pieces and put the french fries on your plate. The same goes for dressings and spreads. Take about two tablespoons of these foods on your plate, and that's it. No repeats!

Choose foods wisely

When it comes to parties with an abundance of tempting food, which is constantly available, in the form of a buffet, people "lose their compass" and become immoderate in quantity. So, instead of being guided only by desire and randomly putting on the plate everything that catches your eye, strategically approach serving - take two light side dishes of vegetables and add one food that you crave the most.

For example, do you eat a juicy hamburger all day (with hambi pastries!)? Don't overdo it with snacks or high-calorie food. Instead, fill half a plate with lettuce and add a hamburger. Vegetables on your plate will provide you with important nutrients, satiate you to some extent, and leave room for the food you crave, whether it's a burger, skewers or kebabs.