Paleo Diet Overview

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The people of the Paleolithic era introduce the Paleo diet. In this diet, you can find a dietary plan based on the same food as the Paleolithic era.

If you are searching something to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, you can go for a paleo diet plan. Proper diet is essential for everybody because your body needs an appropriate number of nutrient supplements to perform well and save you from different disorders.

Excess of everything is wrong so if you gain unnecessary weight you should choose a diet plan which is according to your body requirements.

Read more: Ketogenic Diet Overview

You should consult your doctor because due to weight gain you can feel shame in front of your family and friends. People can criticize your excessive weight so it's crucial for you to manage your weight according to your age and height.

The food you Intake in Paleo Diet

In a paleo diet, you can find all the things that are critical components of a diet and make you fit and healthy. These ingredients make you feel stronger and energetic to complete your day-to-day tasks efficiently. You can also include some gluten-free grains and grass-fed butter. You can also intake tea and coffee. Except for that you can consume the following food items:

1. Seeds and nuts
2. Fish
3. Lean meats
4. Fruits and vegetables
5. Dairy products
6. Legumes and grains
7. Spices
8. Oils

The Food to Avoid in Paleo Diet

While following the paleo diet, you should keep in mind the things you have to avoid  eating because if you cannot follow the proper diet plan, your all efforts will end in vain. Here are some things you cannot eat during the paleo diet:

1. Grains include wheat, oats, and barley
2. Legumes include beans, peanuts peas
3. Refined sugar
4. Dairy products
5. Potatoes
6. Highly processed food

Advantages of Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet provides you many health benefits, such as it can help you in weight loss and improve your glucose tolerance. Paleo diet can manage your appetite effectively so that you don’t feel like that you are on a diet plan. It can also improve blood pressure control and lower triglycerides in your body. You can consult your nutritionist or doctor for more details of the paleo diet. They can design your diet plan according to your needs so that it can run smoothly without any difficulties.

Disadvantages of Paleo Diet

As the paleo diet has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. You have a risk of deficiency of calcium and vitamin d, so it is awful for your bone and joints health if they are already weak. You can also have a greater chance of kidney, heart diseases or some cancers. So, it is good advice that you consult your nutritionist about your health condition to follow the paleo diet easily.

Also read: 5 Ways to Overcome Junk Food Addiction


The Paleo diet highlights the importance of raw food because it is rich in minerals and vitamins. Processed foods and cooked foods waste a significant amount of minerals and vitamins due to heat. Unprocessed and fresh food helps you compensate for vitamin and minerals deficiency.