Paleo Diet vs. Keto Diet

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Diet plans are a valuable resource that can help you to maintain, regulate and lose weight that you gain through poor eating habits. You can find many diet plans on the internet, but it is essential to consult your doctor because they recommend a good diet plan according to your needs and conditions. Diet plans can manage your time better about choosing the meal. It can also help in the prevention of many harmful diseases.

Diet plans can exclude unhealthy options from your eating. You cannot stick to one food while following a diet plan. You can enjoy a variety of food while following diet plans.

Also read:

Ketogenic Diet Overview

Paleo Diet Overview


Paleo diet is a diet plan followed by the eating of people living in the Paleolithic area. The food intake includes lean meals, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, nuts, and seeds. They avoid eating dairy legumes, refined sugar, potatoes, salt, and grains. The Paleo diet is a diet plan in which excludes highly processed food.

Pros of Paleo Diet

There are many pros of the paleo diet given below: 

  1. The Paleo diet can help you to reduce excessive weight gain. If you want to get rid of excess weight, you can go for the paleo diet.
  2. The Paleo diet improves glucose tolerance and also control Blood pressure.
  3. The Paleo diet can also lower the triglycerides from your body.

Cons of Paleo Diet

There are as such no significant cons of paleo diet, but some of the insignificant ones are:

  1. Paleo diet excludes grains and legumes, which is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and nutrients so that you can face a deficiency of some nutritional components. You have to consult your doctor about it, they can manage this nutritional deficiency by other sources.
  2. The Paleo diet also excludes all dairy products, which are a rich source of protein and calcium.


The ketogenic diet shortly named the keto diet, is a low-carb diet and has a high-fat diet to reduce epilepsy in children. A ketogenic diet includes fats in the diet except for carbohydrates for energy purposes. They can get fat from different meat, fish, nuts, oil, and eggs.

Pros of Ketogenic Diet

Following are the pros of the ketogenic diet

  1. Keto diet helps you in weight loss. 
  2. They include healthy fats and putting the body in ketosis.
  3. It can also reduce the risk of some life-threatening disorders such as heart diseases and cancers.

Cons of Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet plan has the following cons:

  1. You feel flu-like symptoms
  2. Lowers the energy levels
  3. Keep stress on your kidneys
  4. You experience digestive issues
  5. You have a significant risk of nutrient deficiencies, low blood sugar and bone density

Read more: Benefits of Lipo Diet


When you are experiencing excessive weight gain, it is essential to follow a diet plan because if you can't following a diet plan, you have a greater risk of getting severe health-related issues. Firstly, consult your doctor to recommend some tests, and after having all the information, they will recommend a suitable diet plan that you can follow.