Dietary Supplements Overview

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Dietary supplements are the products that the doctor gives to maintain the nutritional level in the body. The supplements are found in the form of pills, tablets, liquid powder, and capsules, etc. Dietary supplements help you to overcome the nutritional deficiencies in your body.

Deficiencies of important nutrients cause weakness and invite many serious disorders. You can easily find dietary supplements of proteins, vitamins, minerals, calcium, fiber, amino acids, fatty acids, and many more. Plants and animals are both sources of nutritional supplements.

Types of Dietary Supplements

Following are common types of dietary supplements that you can easily find in the market.


Vitamins are organic compounds that are very important for human survival. It is an essential nutrient, and is present in limited amounts in the human body; excess and deficiency of these vitamins cause different disorders.

Following are vitamins such as A B, C, D, E, and K. All have their importance and benefits. Deficiency of vitamins causes various diseases such as anemia, scurvy, nervous system disorder, pregnancy complications, and many more. Moreover, excess vitamin causes other complications such as hair loss, cracked lips, dry skin, headaches, abnormal blood calcium level, hypertension, and many more. So, if you decide to take a vitamin supplement or notice a deficit in an item, it is best to talk with your doctor first and then take those vitamins based on his or her advice.


Minerals are the exogenous chemical elements present in the human body you can find for minerals such as carbon-hydrogen, Oxygen, and nitrogen, or important nutrients and have their benefits and working. Mostly doctor requirements include potassium chlorine sodium-calcium phosphorus magnesium iron zinc manganese, copper iodine cobalt, and many more—high doses of minerals toxic for humans. So make sure you have mineral deficiency before intaking minerals.

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Protein and Amino Acid

Protein-containing supplements are usually found in drinks and powders which. It greatly helps the people who are injured or ill. Athletes and sportsperson use protein drink supplements. Proteins are a chain of amino acids. Due to protein deficiency, children face kwashiorkor disease, which is very common. Other conditions like edema, fatty liver, skin, hair, and nail problems, loss of muscular density, bone fractures, stunted growth in children's infections, and an increase in appetite are commonly observed.

Excess of protein is really bad because it can store various fats in your body, leading to high cholesterol level and weight gain that causes heart diseases and cancer.

Fatty Acids

Fish oil is very common in fatty acid supplements because it has a rich source of omega-three fatty acids. As a result, fatty acid supplements reduce the rate of cancer and heart diseases.

Most complications are found in children, like scaly dermatitis, thrombocytopenia, and intellectual disabilities.

Excess of fatty acid causes hypoglycemia, persistent vomiting, failure to thrive hepatomegaly, and other disorders.


Usually, people take dietary supplement products with food supplements, but these two are different from each other. Dietary supplements are substances that you may add to the nutrients in your diet in order to reduce the rest of the health issues.