Low Calorie Meal

Soup 1

An average calorie intake usually depends upon the following factors.

  • Age
  • Metabolism
  • Level of physical activity

Generally, the calorie intake is 2000 calories per day for women and 2500 for men.

Excessive calorie intake causes severe disorders such as heart attacks, diabetes, type 2 cancer and many more. Usually, people need 1200 calories per day to stay healthy. The people who are health conscious perform daily activities and work out, therefore they need more calories.

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If you intake excessive calories, you become your enemy.

Following are the list of low calorie foods that will help you to reduce your weight.

  • Whole eggs
  • Salmon
  • Lean beef and chicken breast
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Tuna 
  • Bread and legumes
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Soup
  • Avocado
  • Cottage cheese
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Fruits 
  • Coconut oil
  • Chia seeds
  • Full-Fat yogurt

It is the most challenging task to lose weight by cutting off your calories. You can leave high calorie food and choose the healthy ones. This will help you in feeling full.

1. Oats

Oats are part of every healthy weight loss diet because oats are low in calories and high in proteins and fibers that make you full. You will not feel hungry after the intake of oatmeal. You can also add fruits and nuts to your oats which will make them more delicious and healthy.

Oatmeal reduces your hunger level, and you can easily follow up your diet plan without feeling hungry. It also controls your appetite for few hours.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of protein, and it helps you to reduce cravings. It can also help you reduce your weight since it is low in calories (almost 130 cal). You also feel less hungry when you intake yoghurt. It can develop the feeling of fullness.

3. Soup

Soup is a food that everyone enjoys, and it comforts people when they include it in their diet. Doctors also suggest including soup along with solid food for weight loss. Ensure that the ingredients used in the soup are low in the calories. Soup helps in reducing the total calorie intake and also makes you full.

4. Eggs

Eggs are rich in nutrients and very low in the calories. An egg contains almost 72 calories and high proteins, vitamin, and minerals. It reduces the hunger level and boost fullness. People who eat eggs for breakfast have a more greater feeling of fullness.

Read more: Mediterranean Diet - All You Need to Know

5. Fish

Fish is high in protein and perfect for health of the heart. Fish is low in calories which is almost 70. It decreases the appetite level and also controls hunger. Make delicious dishes with fish and add them to your diet plan. Fishes are one of the favorite dishes of many people. You can find a wide variety of fishes and choose accordingly to your diet plan.

6. Lean Meat

It is an essential source of diet. While consuming lean Meat, you can quickly control your hunger level. Meat is mostly people’s favorite food. A chicken breast contains almost 185 calories and 35 grams of proteins. Lean Meat is rich in protein.