The "Big Breakfast Diet" - Does It Make Sense?

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Does a Big Breakfast Diet Make Sense? The study of the Endocrinological Society of the USA dealt with this dilemma and gave interesting results… According to a study conducted by the Endocrinological Society of the USA, the Big Breakfast diet proved to be effective. After four months of this regimen, respondents who ate a hearty breakfast lost an average of nearly 17 pounds. However, the most important thing is that the lost pounds do not return. A rich / abundant / big breakfast diet - does it make sense? A hearty breakfast proved to be a better strategy in the long run as weight loss...

6 Rules for a Good Figure - Without Diet

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With these common "no-diet" commandments you will have a fit figure and you can forget about rigorous regimes. It's up to you to follow the rules of a healthy diet that will help you look and feel great - always! There are a few simple rules devised by nutritionists, and following them will ensure you stress-free satisfaction and health consequences. If you perform them every day, the result in the form of a fit figure and good health is certain… Snack = protein Just as a bag of breadcrumbs will not satiate you in the long run, so will an apple or some vegetable - if you do not combine it with...

Is Meat Harmful?

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Vegetarian diets are more popular now than ever before. Some do it for ethical reasons, some - because of taste preferences, and some - "because of health". Scientists still disagree about how good this second reason is, as the harmfulness of meat - as well as the unconditional benefits of vegetarianism - have not been scientifically proven. It is up to you to eat meat or not, and we will tell you how it will affect your body. Let's start with the positive. Unlike animal food, plant food does not cause autointoxication, it does not poison the human body with decomposition products in the...

What to Eat If You Get Hungry Before Bed

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Everyone at least once had a scenario in which they were tempted to "rob" the refrigerator just before going to bed. Here is how it is possible to solve this problem without worrying about conscience, and without an empty stomach. First try to avoid hunger So that you do not get a hunger strike in the evening, the most important thing is to plan your meals wisely during the day. If you eat irregularly and little, nutritionists draw attention to the fact that the consequences will be reflected in the evening. Make sure you eat most of your food until dinner, as well as consume enough protein...

4 Types of Foods That Can Cause Acne

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Skin care doesn't end with what you put on your face, and dermatologists say that what you put into your body can be just as important. Processed foods such as dairy products and white bread can cause acne, which is why it is important to pay extra attention to your diet. Acne can be caused by your diet and diet, especially if you do not control the amount of dairy products and carbohydrates you eat. Processed foods Processed foods such as dairy products, white bread and sugar-rich foods can increase their appearance, experts say. Food allergies can also cause acne. Dairy products Dairy...